What Is P-DTR?
P-DTR, or Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex, represents a groundbreaking approach in understanding and managing the body’s complex neurological network. Think of it as fine-tuning your body’s internal operating system. This method goes beyond merely concealing symptoms; it aims to deliver enduring solutions by fundamentally reprogramming how the body reacts to stimuli.
At P-DTR USA, our mission is to pioneer this innovative technique in the realm of healthcare. We offer a journey towards holistic wellness that is rooted in cutting-edge science and harmonizes with the body’s inherent wisdom. Embrace the journey with us and discover the transformative impact of P-DTR for a harmonious, pain-free life.
P-DTR® Courses

Foundations Series
The P-DTR Foundations Series provides students with the most comprehensive and practical functional neurology education available anywhere in the world.

Intermediate Series
The Intermediate Series expands upon the knowledge from Foundations with a focus on advanced biomechanical analysis of the body’s major joints and training in additional high-level diagnostics unique to P-DTR.

Advanced Series
The Advanced Series explores the physiology of body systems. Students will learn how to assess and correct viscera, blood pressure, nerve entrapments, lymphatics, metabolic dysfunctions, cranial nerves, and more.
“This technique cracks the intricate code of the human body and all manner of its dysfunctions.”
“My introduction to P-DTR was easily one of the most significant events in my life… It will fundamentally change the way medicine is practiced over the next 20 years.”